Uzbekistan introduces post of chief suicidologist of the country

POLITICS 15:30 / 14.02.2019 1168

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On the approval of the concept of development of the mental health care service of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2025".

The document was adopted in order to further develop the system of mental health care of the population, provide quality services, diagnose, treat and prevent mental disorders.

According to the document, the posts of chief psychiatrist and chief suicidologist of the country have been introduced in Uzbekistan.

In addition, the decree approved the Concept of development of the public mental health service for 2019-2025.

The Cabinet of Ministers in the preparation and submission of the draft Law “On Psychiatric Assistance” in the new edition was instructed to define clearly the functions and powers of the authorized state bodies in the field of mental health care.

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