Uzbekistan will gradually introduce compulsory health insurance system starting from 2021. This is stated in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the program on development of draft laws and their introduction to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019”.
According to the program, the draft law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance” will be developed. It envisages:
Gradual introduction of compulsory health insurance system starting from 2021;
Formation of normative-legal base for step-by-step transition to compulsory health insurance;
Improving the mechanism of collecting and distributing funds for health needs;
Wide involvement of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of health insurance programs.
The Ministries of Health, Finance, Economy and Industry, the National Chamber of Innovative Health Care are tasked to ensure the execution of the draft law. Deadline for submitting the document to the Cabinet of Ministers is July 1, 2019.