Gov’t to strengthen regulations in natural monopolies

POLITICS 17:15 / 13.02.2019 762

A Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the program on development of draft laws and their introduction to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019” was adopted.

The document states that a new draft law “On competition” will be developed. The draft law envisages:

consolidation of the legal acts “On natural monopolies” and “On competition”;

fundamental reconsideration of the list of natural monopoly in order to reduce a number of state-regulated activities;

improvement of the anti-monopoly mechanism;

taking appropriate measures against monopolistic enterprises as well as natural monopoly entities;

ensuring the balance of intellectual property and antimonopoly rights;

regulating the features of information systems market.

It was noted that adoption of the law will help to strengthen regulation in the field of natural monopolies, increase their responsibility, as well as regulate competition in information and communication technologies.

Responsible executors of the draft law are the Antimonopoly Committee and the Ministry of Finance. It should be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers by October 1, 2019. Approximate term of inclusion to the Legislative Chamber – by November 1, 2019.

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