TSLU branch will train specialists for law enforcement bodies 

POLITICS 13:34 / 08.02.2019 1103

A specialized branch of the Tashkent State Law University (TSLU) is being created in Tashkent. It will train and retrain legal personnel in the area of crime prevention and public safety in Tashkent and the capital’s region. On February 7, a corresponding decree on its establishment was signed by the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 
In the branch, training personnel in the specialty “prevention of crimes and maintaining public safety” will be carried out under a special three-year undergraduate program of full-time education. 
Retraining personnel with a higher non-legal education in the specialty “prevention of crimes and maintaining public safety” is provided for under a special six-month full-time program. 
According to the document, the branch’s admission quota for bachelor’s degree will be 255 people per year, and under the retraining program – 50 people every six months. 
The followings are the main tasks of the branch: 
- training and retraining personnel in the field of crime prevention and public safety on the basis of curricula and programs that provide basic and practical training in the field of jurisprudence; 
- organization of the educational process on the basis of a modular training system with the use of modern forms and methods of information-communication technologies aimed at ensuring a close connection of theoretical training with law enforcement; 
- creation of an effective system of psychological training, increasing the legal, political culture and legal awareness of students; 
- improving the skills of students in work and interaction with public and media; 
- methodological and advisory support for crime prevention and public safety; 
- deepening effective interagency cooperation with scientific-research institutions, including foreign countries, engaged in the training, retraining and advanced training juridical personnel. 
The branch is a structural subdivision of the Tashkent State Law University – the highest educational institution with the status of a legal entity. 
The educational institution is headed by a director appointed to post and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Justice.

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