Uzbek government approves a Regulation on procedure for granting land plots for the state and public needs

POLITICS 16:57 / 30.01.2019 798

According to a governmental resolution, the Regulation on procedure for granting land plots for the state and public needs was approved.

In compliance with the Regulation, withdrawal of land plots for the state and public needs is allowed only after an open discussion with land owners and full compensation for the damage caused.

Preparation of materials on withdrawing land plots for the state and public needs is carried out by the territorial bodies of the State Committee “Davyergeodezkadastr”.

Withdrawing land plots is determined by a decision of the governor and preparation of materials on it is executed on a contractual basis by the legal entity or individual (client) and cadastral bodies.

The client files an application to the district (city), Tashkent city administration for allocating the land plot.

The allocated land plots must be agreed with the construction authorities through an automated information system “YERELEKTRON”.

Upon receipt of positive conclusions and agreements of relevant organizations, governor of the district (city) issues a resolution on withdrawal of the land plot within two days.

In compliance with the resolution, boundaries of the land plot will be identified within three days, telegram channel of the Ministry of Justice writes.

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