Russian humanitarian mission launches smart classes in Bukhara, Tashkent and Jizzakh regions

POLITICS 20:28 / 30.01.2019 1340

The non-profit organization (NPO) “Russian humanitarian mission” (RHM), engaged in educational projects, announced that seven smart classes at schools of Uzbekistan have been created to teach Russian language and literature.

Classes with interactive equipment appeared at secondary schools in Bukhara, Tashkent and Jizzakh regions. The project was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic.

“Smart classes allow children to master new technologies in the educational process,” the executive director of the RHM Alexei Polkovnikov said at a round table on the experience of humanitarian cooperation of non-profit organizations of Uzbekistan and Russia.

Polkovnikov noted that projects on learning the Russian language allow us to regularly exchange experience in this area. He also said that books in Russian children's fiction were donated to two schools in Andijan and Namangan. And also, regular refresher courses for 44 local Russian teachers began in Zangiota district of Tashkent region.

According to the data of the “Russian humanitarian mission”, in two years, 13 schools in nine regions of the country have received the necessary literature and nearly 170 teachers of Russian language and literature refreshed their qualifications.

For information, the non-profit organization “Russian humanitarian mission” was established to carry out humanitarian, human rights and charitable activities, as well as to help strengthen peace, friendship and harmony among nations. The NPO develops and implements educational projects, emergency assistance programs, medical programs and humanitarian projects with full logistic support.

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