Uzbek government approves the Regulation on general conditions of paying for labor of drivers

POLITICS 21:37 / 26.01.2019 1218

The Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Finance and the Automobile Transport Agency have adopted a resolution “On approval of the regulation on general conditions of paying for the labor of drivers”.

According to the Regulation, the general terms of payment for drivers of motor transport are obligatory for budget organizations, state enterprises, institutions and organizations with more than 50% of the state share in the authorized capital. They are recommended for other organizations.

Followings are considered the salary of drivers:

• payment for the work performed or the time worked;

• incentive and compensation fees, surcharges;

• prizes for work results in the workplace;

• special types of rewards;

• awards for a year's work;

• material assistance;

• rewards;

• other payments that are stipulated by the Tax Code.

Remuneration of organizational drivers is carried out on the basis of the resolution #206 dated July 21, on Single tariff network of paying for labor, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Payment for the work of organizational drivers (except for truck drivers) is carried out on the basis of rates in the Single tariff network.

Payments for organizational truck drivers will be made on the basis of the salary rates of truck drivers.

Payment rates for drivers are determined based on the parameters of the vehicle specified by the manufacturer in the vehicle's technical specification.

If a driver is combined with several classifications of vehicles in the organization, then he will be paid on basis of the highest rate of the vehicle assigned to him.

Rate bases on the single tariff network of payment for the labor of drivers:

Trucks designated for mines, truck-refrigerators, including auto cranes - up to one degree;

Drivers of specialized vehicles of emergency medical care are paid at higher rate than that other ambulance cars.

The driver's tariff rate is used 1,228 network coefficient. Corresponding rate in the single tariff network of payment of work creates a basic tariff rate of the driver.

When hourly wages are introduced, hourly rate rates will be applied, which will be determined by the average monthly wage established by the normative legal acts, taking into account the annual average monthly rate of service.

In public administration bodies, the employees of personal and substandard passenger cars shall be provided with a timetable of not more than 12 hours to be paid for work.

Followings are paid surcharges and additional payments:

working at nighttime, on holidays, performing duty during off period, established by the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

secondary drivers by qualification level – 10% of the basic tariff rate of the driver according to the corresponding rate of the single tariff network for payment of labor, for the first-rate drivers – 25%;

for carrying international freight – during the period which is out of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on a single tariff network for remuneration of labor is up to 20%;

vehicle drivers at the balance of the Department of Economic Activities of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers – 35% of the basic tariff rate of the driver according to the respective rate of the Single tariff network;

in accordance with the procedure established by the Resolution #297 dated Oct. 18, 2012, of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the regulations on the procedure for performance on several occupations and positions”;

if the break of the working shift is more than two hours, because of the working shift - up to 30% of the basic rate. In this case the interval time of the internal shift is not taken into account;

if the driver does not have the opportunity to return to a permanent place of residence (car transport organization, garage location) according to the assignment on the route - up to 10% of the basic tariff rate for the period of performance of the assignment on the route;

exact amount of incentives and surcharges shall be set forth in the collective agreement, otherwise according to the agreement with the Trade Union Committee.

Basic tariff rates for drivers:

by 20% as per the time spent for work on trucks and vehicles with trailers;

technological transportations in mining and quarrying works up to 24%;

transporting explosive and radioactive substances - up to 12%.

Due to failure or incompleteness of the car, drivers shall be paid not less than the amount of wages in their basic job employment.

When the drivers are put into operation and maintenance, they will not be paid a fee for the qualification level during this period.

The drivers who are involved in car repair and maintenance work (if these are not available at the maintenance station or vehicle organization) shall be paid in accordance with the established rates and additional surcharges.

Grants of financial aid and other incentive payments and compensation payments, which are not stipulated by the Regulation, are made in accordance with the local documents of the organization for the payment of the workers' work, accepted in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation.

Wages for the vacant time without a fault of the driver shall be paid in the amount of average monthly wage established by the legislation. On the contrary - no payment for the driver.

In cases where two drivers are sent simultaneously to a long-haul drive, each driver is paid on time based on the estimated time spent on the transportation.

Drivers sent to long-haul travel during outside rest periods (at the hotel, on the camping, at the service or rental house) - this time is not included in the working hours and is not paid.

Payment for drivers of organizations (except for trucks drivers) according to the rate in a single tariff network

Light vehicle drivers at the balance of the Department of Economic Activity under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan are ranked 3 times higher than in the chart's classification, and two-tier classification buses for drivers.

If the law grants an organization the authority to designate a separate classification for itself, it may be used in that organization other than specified in the table.

Payment rates for truck drivers in organizations

Truck drivers at the balance of the Administration of Economic Activities under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan are ranked 2 times higher than those specified in the Table.

If the law grants an organization the authority to designate a separate classification for itself, it may be used in that organization other than specified in the table.

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