Azim Akhmedkhadjayev is appointed deputy khokim of Jizzakh region

POLITICS 15:31 / 11.01.2019 725

Azim Akhmedkhadjayev, who served as deputy director of the National Agency of Project Management (NAPM) under the President, was appointed deputy governor of the Jizzakh region, correspondent reports.

He was transferred to NAPM from the post of Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications in August 2018 by the decision of Shavkat Mirziyoyev. At the agency, Akhmedkhadjayev was responsible for the development of the digital economy, the introduction of blockchain technologies in the public sector and the integrated socio-economic and industrial development of the Jizzakh region.

Earlier - from May 2011 - he served as deputy chairman and then first deputy chairman of the board of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of Uzbekistan.

In previous years, he worked in the Ministry of Economy and the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan.

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