The president spoke about the new tax concept during his address to the parliament.
“The taxation concept, which will be introduced in 2019, will reduce the tax burden and apply a simple taxation scheme. It also plays an important role in attracting investors.
Currently, the share of hidden economy in GDP is high. It has a negative impact on the country’s development. Both deputies and everyone else know that the share of hidden economy is great.
We need to develop the economy.
We really encourage honest entrepreneurs who pay taxes on time. Of course, we cannot be the same for all. We severely punish those who are hiding themselves in economics and working in the black market. There is no other way.
As you know, the reduction of tax rates or abolition of certain taxes will reduce the amount of funds to the budget. It can be overcome through effective tax administration and ensure budget sustainability. Struggling for this is our top priority.
Tax administration should be structured in such way – even if the value added tax is widely used, this should not lead to an increase in consumer prices.
In the future everyone should be the same. The market is frustrating, but we have to do it. If we provide preferences to this or that firm and organization, we will not have any development. We must gradually remove tax exemptions.
We are on a difficult path, but this is the right one. It is challenging, but it is the way of stability. We provide a sustainable economy,” the president said.