The Administrative Responsibility Code of Uzbekistan is planned to be supplemented with new articles that envisage an increased accountability for violators of traffic rules, correspondent reports referring to the draft law developed by the Ministry of Interior.
In particular, the code is planned to be supplemented by article 128-7 (road hooliganism):
Intentional actions of the driver, which are expressed in the repeated commission of one or several actions following each other, will be understood as road hooliganism.
These actions include:
• non-compliance with the lateral interval;
• beginning of the movement by sharp acceleration or sudden braking, if such acceleration or braking is not required to prevent a traffic accident;
• damage to vehicles, buildings, cargo and other material detriment;
• creating dangerous situations for human life and health.
Road hooliganism will entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of three minimum monthly wages (MMW). For committing the same offense again during the year, one will have to pay a fine of five MMW.
In addition, the Ministry of Interior intends to increase the penalty for leaving the scene of a traffic accident. The document proposes to raise it from 30 to 40 MMW.
Another interesting point is that the code is planned to be supplemented with article 139-1 (acceptance for repair of motor vehicles that have become participants in road traffic accidents without the permission of the internal affairs bodies). For such offense, individuals will be imposed a fine from one to three and officials - from three to five minimum monthly wages.
If the same offenses are committed repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative penalty, individuals will be imposed a fine from three to five and officials - from five to seven minimum monthly wages.
For non-compliance with the legal requirements of a police officer, it is planned to increase the fine from one to three minimum MMW (now from one second to two MMW).