Teachers to be protected from forced labor in Uzbekistan

POLITICS 10:41 / 03.11.2018 1423

In Uzbekistan, on the portal for discussion of legislative acts, a draft law was posted on introducing a ban on the attraction of teachers to forced labor, deduction of money from wages to subscribe for newspapers and other illegal fees.

According to the draft law, it is proposed to prevent the involvement of teachers of educational institutions in forced labor, including landscaping and planting of greenery in the district areas and cities, collecting scrap metal and waste paper, as well as seasonal work in agriculture and other similar works.

Parents of students are not permitted to interfere unreasonably in the matters that fall within the range of professional responsibilities of a teacher.

Also, the draft document provides a ban on the deduction of teachers' salaries, including subscription to periodicals, as well as other deductions not envisaged by law.

In addition, annually, a teacher will be offered free outpatient medical examinations at state medical and preventive institutions on mandatory order.

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