People ask for five-day work week in Uzbekistan

POLITICS 23:04 / 16.10.2018 2044

A petition on cutting the 6-day work week appeared on the collective reference portal "My opinion".

"I propose moving to 5-day work week in all budget and non-government organizations in Uzbekistan," the author writes.

It is noted that this has been widely practiced in developed European and Asian countries and has proven its economic and social effectiveness. Advantages of this system are:

- The emergence of additional day-offs for employees will increase the demand for recreation, which is essential for the development of domestic tourism;

- Increased motivation of employees. The analysis shows that employees working 5-day weeks felt better about their job, were more engaged and generally reported a better work-life balance and less stress;

- Improving the wellbeing of life. Two-day holidays allow workers to spend more time with their family, to arrange family trips and to be more attentive to children's upbringing, which, in turn, creates a good opportunity to make strong family;

- A possibility to save expenses of budget organizations. The utility costs will be reduced by 15-20% on average. Employees also have the opportunity to save money for the expenses of meal and transportation.

"Therefore, I suggest organizing a five-day work week for all institutions of the country and ensure their sustainability", - the author of the petition concluded.

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