The Embassy of our country in France carried out a "round table" on the topic: "The presidential elections in Uzbekistan: the election campaign 2016" with participation of the chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis on Democratic Institutions, NGOs and citizens' self-government bodies Akmal Saidov.
The representatives of political, expert and analytical circles of France, including the experts of the Institute of Prospects and Security in Europe (IPSE), the French Institute of International Relations (IRIS), the University of the Sorbonne and the National Center for Scientific Research, Analytical Center for the Common Foreign policy (CAPE), as well as members of non-governmental organizations and the media attended the event.
The participants of the "round table" were acquainted with the preparations for the presidential elections in Uzbekistan and legal guarantees of the compliance of the electoral process with international standards. It was noted that the campaign attracted a lot of attention and interest bоth regionally and worldwide. The Executive Committee of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the World Association of electoral bodies (VAIO) and a number of states made a decision to send their observers to Uzbekistan. It was stressed that the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) organizes a full observation mission for the presidential elections in our country, taking into account their open and transparent conduct in accordance with generally accepted electoral standards.
Addressing at the event, President of the Institute of Prospects and Security in Europe Emmanuel Dupuis pointed out that early presidential elections in Uzbekistan are of great importance in consideration of the role and place of the republic in the region and the world.
- Uzbekistan is a historically multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multicultural country whose population exceeds 32 million people. On this land traditions of tolerance, peace and harmony between different peoples and religions had been formed and they have been strengthening. The country is located in the center of the region, uniting neighboring countries by trade-economic, cultural and other ties. In addition, Uzbekistan - an active member of the UN and other international organizations, including the SCO and the OIC. Tashkent carries out independent and balanced foreign policy, not participating in the military-political blocks and reserving the right to leave the structures in case of their conversion into military blocks. Leading foreign companies, investment funds and international financial institutions interested in cooperation with Uzbekistan, and high rates of economic growth of the country and its political stability attract them.
The presidential election will undoubtedly be a genuine expression of the Uzbek people’s will, as well as give additional impetus to the advancement of the foreign relations of the republic, including the mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation with France.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Urban Planning and Development of the University of Paris IV Sorbonne, Jean-Antoine Duprat analyzed the legal aspects of the presidential election in Uzbekistan and considered historical analogies in the practice of electing the president in France:
- In France, as in Uzbekistan, the Constitution specifies that if the Presidency of the Republic for whatever reason whatsoever would be vacant, these duties will be temporarily assigned to the Chairman of the Senate or, if he has any obstacles to their implementation, to the Prime Minister. The presidential elections in Uzbekistan are organized in full compliance with the Constitution and the Law "On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and prove efficient and stable functioning of the country's constitutional system, even in such difficult circumstances caused by the passing away of the first President Islam Karimov. Appointment of the election date is also fully consistent with the Constitution and national legislation, which requires that the new president was elected for three months.
Electoral processes in Uzbekistan have a high level of organization. Thanks to the confidence, given me, I had the opportunity to participate as an observer in the parliamentary and presidential elections in Uzbekistan in 2014 and 2015. I must say that they were conducted in full compliance with democratic principles and under fair competition of the four main parties in the country.
On the whole, sustained economic growth which is demonstrated in recent years, Uzbekistan has all the prerequisites to continue it in the future. In this context, it should be noted the strengthening of a strong civil society in Uzbekistan which the priority was given to the construction of it in the first years of independence.
I am confident that the political parties have put forward the most worthy candidates to the upcoming presidential election who will continue the course of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.
According to the president of the Association "Avicenna-France" Mark Bonnell, the presidential elections in 2016 are proof of the commitment of Tashkent to the policy of sustainable development, stability and security.
- Over 25 years of independence, Uzbekistan has passed a long way of democratic transformation, situating in a difficult region and a hard period of history. At the same time the republic's leadership has always made every effort to maintain peace and stability. The first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov conducted a forward-looking policy in this direction, in particular with regard to pre-empt the radicalization of society. This problem is very urgent for France. We should be grateful to Uzbekistan for the example that it showed in countering modern threats, and we must learn its experience in dealing with similar problems.
I am sure that French-Uzbek cooperation in this and other areas will continue to be strengthened in the future.
Former French Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jean-Claude Richard stressed in his speech that the first steps of the Prime Minister Sh.M.Mirziyoyev as Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are aimed at further liberalization of the socio-political and economic life of the country, the protection of human rights.
- These steps are commendable. A very good level of cooperation has been always maintained between France and Uzbekistan. The Uzbek people warmly treat to France, and the French delight in culture, history and modern development of Uzbekistan. I think that after the election of the new President of Uzbekistan, our country will continue to strengthen and develop bilateral relations.
President of the publishing hose of digital publication and media company d'Izarn Com Sylvie d'Izarn expressed her opinion that, a stable political system, established in Uzbekistan and taken measures on the development and reforming the economy contribute to the successful organization of the presidential elections.
- It is noteworthy that among the first steps of the Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev was the adoption of new measures to protect the interests of business, in particular, the release of small and medium businesses from the unscheduled public inspection. Since the beginning of the 1990s, Uzbekistan has been becoming inherent with the dynamic economic growth, which is based on the principles of liberalization of the economy and strengthening the private sector. The annual growth in Uzbekistan's GDP is about 8%. This is one of the world's highest rates of economic growth that is accompanied by strengthening civil society and improving people's welfare.
The successful holding of the presidential election in Uzbekistan will create the basis for further implementation of the policy of deepening of democratic reforms in the economic and social spheres.
According to the expert of the Institute of Prospects and Security in Europe Quentin Delarue, the election to the highest post in Uzbekistan signifies aspiration of the leadership and the people of the country to ensure the continuity of the democratic government through the process of direct universal vote.
- Timely appointment of special elections showed democracy’s stability in Uzbekistan. It is important that it will take place in strict compliance with the legislation, governing by the transparency of the electoral process and observance of electoral rights of citizens. During the election campaign, the candidates, representing the major political forces of the country, have equal opportunities to use media resources and promoting their own programs and positions.
I believe that the results of the presidential elections in Uzbekistan are important for the whole Central Asia. I am confident that the future President of Uzbekistan will be able to give impetus to international cooperation in the region, in particular by enhancing and consolidating the efforts, aimed at ensuring peace and stability, the development of cooperation and dialogue in this area.
In an interview with Jahon, President of the Association "The program «MED21», Professor Nadir Mohamed Aziz said that the election of the President of Uzbekistan are extremely important for the continuation of the democratic development of the country.
- More recently, a significant event - 43th session of the Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC CFM) took place in Uzbekistan, which Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev put forward an initiative to establish an international research center in Samarkand that will be named in honor of the great theologian Imam al-Bukhari. Blessed Imam al-Bukhari from Bukhara city has an important place in the history of Islamic civilization. He has a special role in the preparation of a reliable collection of hadith "al-Jama'a al-Sahih" which is the great heritage of the Muslim Ummah.
The main goal of our association is to promote Islamic and Mediterranean culture on a global scale, the expansion of international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural, educational and scientific fields.
One of our recent actions was the establishment of the International Avicenna Prize, named in honor of another native of Bukhara Abu Ali Ibn Sina - the great scientist-thinker and healer of East.
In June of this year in Paris, the French National Academy of Medicine had conducted the awarding ceremony of first prizes. Among the first winners of the Avicenna Prize were also representatives of Uzbekistan.