Uzbek-Estonian interministerial consultations

POLITICS 14:03 / 11.06.2016 1298

June 8-9, 2016, Tallinn hosted the third round of the Uzbek-Estonian political consultations. The delegation of the Republic of Estonia was headed by the Vice-Chancellor of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kyllike Sillaste-Elling.

The sides conducted a thorough discussion on the whole range of bilateral relations, including the format of Uzbekistan - European Union, cooperation within the UN and other international organizations.

They substantively discussed the state and prospects for development of cooperation in political, trade-economic, investment, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres. The sides stressed mutual interest in building up the multifaceted relations, bearing in mind the partie's considerable potential and implementation of joint projects in the priority areas of Uzbekistan and Estonia.

During the consultations, special attention is paid to the issues of expanding the legal framework of cooperation.

During the visit to Tallinn Uzbek delegation also held a meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand, negotiations at the Association of travel and tourism.


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