"Adolat" Party proposes lifetime license revocation for reckless drivers

POLITICS 16:12 / 13.07.2024 1114

Robakhon Mahmudova suggested that drivers who speed should be permanently deprived of their driving licenses and that criminal penalties should be intensified for those who cause fatalities while under the influence of alcohol.

Members of the "Adolat" Party emphasized that merely increasing fines is not a reasonable solution to reduce the number of administrative violations and fatalities in accidents. They pointed out that a driver with substantial financial means could pay the fines and continue to commit such violations, leading to the untimely deaths of innocent people without any guarantee against recurrence.

"In our country, we believe it is necessary to impose restrictions on driving rights for a certain period for speeding or permanently deprive drivers of their licenses. Furthermore, it is essential to increase criminal penalties for drivers who cause fatalities while speeding or under the influence of alcohol. At the same time, we must focus on educational efforts," they said.

"The roads of our country should not be areas where pedestrians live in constant fear and where spoiled youngsters drive at any speed they desire. Considering this, it is crucial to make serious legislative changes to ensure that 'killers on wheels' do not multiply. Otherwise, it will be impossible to prevent the tragedies occurring on our roads," said Mahmudova.

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