Uzbekistan surpasses China by number of foreign companies in Kazakhstan

BUSINESS 16:06 / 20.05.2024 3154

The number of companies with Uzbek investments in Kazakhstan has increased significantly, DataHub reports with reference to the Republic’s Bureau of National Statistics.

As of May 1, there were 4,595 legal entities in the neighboring country, the founders of which included Uzbek citizens. Over four months, their number increased by 706 (+18%), and compared to last year – one and a half times.

In terms of the number of foreign companies, Uzbekistan now ranks 3rd after Russia (23.5 thousand) and Turkey (5.5 thousand). The republic has surpassed China (4.2 thousand), which has added only 204 companies since the beginning of the year.

Kyrgyzstan closes the top five (3.2 thousand companies). Following with a noticeable lag are Azerbaijan (1.5 thousand), Ukraine (1.4 thousand), Germany, South Korea and Belarus (each with less than 1 thousand).

Small businesses make up the absolute majority among enterprises with Uzbek investments - only two firms do not fall into this category. About a third of the companies are engaged in trade.

79% of registered enterprises established by Uzbek citizens are considered operating. For comparison, for companies with investors from China this figure is only 64%.

As of April 1, there were about 1.1 thousand companies with Kazakh investments in Uzbekistan. According to this indicator, they occupy fourth place after China, Russia and Turkey.

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