Renowned music video director Jasur Shametov passes away at 39

SOCIETY 17:44 / 10.02.2024 4424

Renowned music video director Jasur Shametov, 39, passed away, as reported by the Ministry of Culture.

Jasur Shametov was the cinematographer for several feature films like "Zarb", "Gunoh", "Poyma-poy", "Sadoqat", "Qalbaki dunyo", "Achchiq hayot", "Qalbim o’grisi", and directed the musical comedy film “Mahallada nima gap”. He filmed dozens of music videos for artists such as Rayhon, Lola, Shohrukhon, Munisa Rizayeva, the group "Afruz", and many others.

Jasur Shametov was also known for shooting the music video for "Zakovat", the new anthem of the “Zakovat” club, performed by rapper Shohrukh in 2021.

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