A 21-year-old man who was under investigation in Chilanzar district DIA dies

SOCIETY 08:34 / 30.05.2023 6575

About a week ago, in Tashkent, police officers detained a 21-year-old boy from the Surkhandarya region on suspicion of drug use. Relatives told Kun.uz that the detained Khafizullah Turgunbayev is under investigation at the Chilanzar district police department.

“About a week ago, police officers called and said that Khafizullah had been detained and taken to the Chilanzor district DIA. The investigator said that during the interrogation he asked to go to the toilet and tried to escape by throwing himself out of the window of the toilet located on the fourth floor. As a result, his leg was broken, and he was taken to the Uchtepa district emergency department,” a relative of the deceased said.

He also said that Turgunbayev’s family was poor, and he lived away from home in Tashkent for several years and had little contact with his family. After he was detained, no one visited the young guy. On May 29, an investigator from the Chilanzar district police department called the young man’s relatives and told them that he had died.

“In the morning, the investigator called relatives in the Surkhandarya region. “After falling from the 4th floor, he was in a coma for 5-6 days. He died this morning without regaining consciousness,” he said. After that, in the morning I went to the Chilanzar district DIA, where I was told to go to the Uchtepa district emergency department.

The woman who spoke to me in the hospital said that Khafizullah had no broken legs or ribs, only his face and head. A person who falls from the 4th floor will not even break his arm? In addition, representatives of the police department previously stated that his leg was broken.

Hafizullah’s physique was large, I wonder how he could fit through the toilet window, especially, if the toilet is in the police department building. I asked the doctors if they had any doubts, they said that they would only express their opinion in court,” a relative of the deceased said.

According to him, the deceased had health problems (related to the brain).

In a conversation with Kun.uz, a spokesman of the Tashkent city police department said that the case is currently being studied by the prosecutor’s office, and they cannot provide more information. In response to a request to inspect the toilet window located in the building of the Chilanzar district DIA, it was said that this was a secret of the investigation and could be seen if the prosecutor’s office allowed it.

The head of the press service of the Tashkent city prosecutor’s office said that he was not aware of this issue, and that he would study the case and report back.

Later, the MIA press secretary, Shokhrukh Giyasov, said that on May 22, at around 04:30, a Gentra car was stopped by traffic police inspectors working at the post.

According to him, the actions of the 21-year-old passenger of this car aroused suspicion among employees, he was checked. The test results showed that he had 53.52 grams of “hashish”.

Law enforcement officers opened a case under article 273 (illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage and other actions with narcotic drugs, their analogues or psychotropic substances for the purpose of sale, as well as their sale) of the Criminal Code.

On the same day, at about 18:50, when the young guy was being taken to a service room located on the fourth floor of the Chilanzar district DIA, he asked to go to the toilet. Entering the toilet, he jumped off the toilet window to escape from the investigation and received various bodily injuries. The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that this case was recorded by surveillance cameras.

Police officers took him to the republican scientific center for emergency medical care. He was diagnosed with “closed craniocerebral injury, craniocerebral injury, fracture of the skull, hematomas of parts of the body”. On May 29, he died.

“Currently, employees of the Chilanzar district prosecutor’s office are conducting a pre-investigation check,” Shokhrukh Giyasov concluded.

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