An official detained in Andijan for demanding $13,000 in bribe (video)

SOCIETY 17:23 / 16.05.2023 5561

In the course of an operative event carried out by employees of the State Security Service and the regional prosecutor’s office, an employee of the Andijan regional branch of the Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Oil Products and Gas under the Ministry of Energy was detained while receiving a bribe.

The detainee demanded $3,000 from the head of one of the LLCs in the Asaka district in exchange for preparing an opinion necessary to obtain a license for the wholesale sale of petroleum products, as well as $10,000 for issuing a license, which he allegedly had to transfer to his acquaintance, an employee of Uzneftgazinspektsia. In total, he demanded $13,000 from the entrepreneur.

When receiving the specified amount, the official was caught red-handed.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Receiving a bribe). The detainee was taken into custody.

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