Case of pedophiles-officials in Khorezm to be re-examined on April 6

SOCIETY 20:31 / 03.04.2023 4837

The protest brought to the court of cassation in the case of pedophiles-officials in Khorezm region will be considered in a closed court session on April 6, the press service of the Supreme Court reported. 

“Today, the criminal trial panel of the Supreme Court was informed of the decision of the appellate instance of the criminal trial panel of the Khorezm regional court that was issued against A.M. and A.K. on December 27, 2022. A cassation protest was received by the Khorezm regional prosecutor’s office to cancel the part of the case and send the case to the appellate court.

This protest will be considered in a closed court session in accordance with the requirements of Article 19 of the Criminal Procedural Code (public hearing of criminal cases in court) on April 6 of this year in the cassation procedure at the Supreme Court’s criminal trial panel,” the report reads. 

It is noted that additional information will be provided after the trial.

For information, at the end of March, Nemolchi.Uz project announced that Oybek Masharipov, the former head of the Khorezm regional justice department, and Anvar Kuryazov, the head of the district emergencies department, had sexual relations with minors (three girls aged 15-17 years) of the family orphanage in Urganch during 10 months. The director of the orphanage helped them in this, and the court sentenced the officials to 1.5-year restriction of liberty.

When the public became aware of this case, a strong wave of protest arose on social networks. 

On April 2, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it filed a protest with the Supreme Court on March 29, considering the punishment imposed on the two officials to be light.

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