Illegal decisions of courts caused the state more than 30 billion soums of material damage

POLITICS 11:08 / 23.12.2022 4327

Illegal decisions of courts in resolving disputes, as well as non-compliance with the requirements of substantive and procedural legal norms, caused the state more than 30 billion soums of material damage, the Prosecutor General’s Office said.

According to the PGO, 109 such court decisions were made while determining the owners of facilities built illegally. As a result, buildings and structures costing more than 30 billion soums were registered in the name of other persons, causing damage to the interests of the state.

Most of the cases were registered in Tashkent (65).

It is noted that 78 illegal court decisions were canceled based on complaints of interested parties.

At present, appeals filed by interested parties against 18 court decisions are pending in the courts and the remaining court decisions are being studied.

A total of 7 criminal cases have been initiated due to the illegal decisions of the courts causing a lot of damage to the interests of the state and society, as well as other violations of the law.

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