Shavkat Mirziyoyev comments on signing of the agreement on alliance relations with Kazakhstan

POLITICS 20:26 / 22.12.2022 5159

At the beginning of his speech, the President of Uzbekistan congratulated personally and on behalf of our multi-ethnic nation the President and brotherly people of Kazakhstan on the recently celebrated Independence Day.

It was noted that the brotherly Uzbek and Kazakh peoples are closely connected by centuries-old ties of friendship.

“Our common history, cultural and spiritual values, traditions and customs unite us. Kazakhstan is the closest, reliable and time-tested partner for Uzbekistan.

We can say without exaggeration that our mutual relations can be an example of interstate cooperation in today’s complex times,” the head of state said. 

The President of Uzbekistan noted that the negotiations once again confirmed the readiness of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to comprehensively develop and enrich bilateral relations, to give them a qualitatively new practical content.

The most important result of the visit was the signing of the Treaty on Union Relations, which fully meets the fundamental interests of the fraternal nations.

During the negotiations, special attention was paid to cooperation in the field of energy. It was noted that new projects will be implemented in terms of construction and modernization of energy facilities, geological exploration, deep processing of natural gas.

The heads of state also exchanged views on further expansion of cooperation in the field of food safety. For this purpose, it was agreed to grow various agricultural products in the territories of the two countries and supply them to the markets of the two countries.

Issues of transport and logistics took an important place on the agenda. Specific measures have been determined to further increase the transport-transit capacity, to activate the projects of building new railways and highways.

The head of state noted that Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will join efforts to ensure development and prosperity in our region, which is becoming the center of global changes today.

“Strengthening multifaceted and long-term cooperation in Central Asia is a guarantee of general sustainable development,” the leader of Uzbekistan emphasized.

The importance of regularly holding consultative meetings of the leaders of the Central Asian countries was specially noted.

The importance of continuing the practice of mutual support of initiatives promoted by our countries within the framework of prestigious international and regional organizations was emphasized during the negotiations.

Taking into account the existence of common interests, the parties agreed to expand cooperation within the framework of the UN, CIS, SCO, TDT, OIC, OIC and in the “Central Asia Plus” format.

“We are very happy that during the state visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to our country, bilateral relations have risen to a qualitatively new level - strategic partnership and alliance.

We will direct all efforts and opportunities to strengthen and develop our relations in every way,” Shavkat Mirziyoev said at the end of his speech.

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