It should be recalled that the commission was established in April 2022 to implement road safety policy.
The other day, ADB experts shared presentations on the state of road safety, actions to reduce deaths and injuries from accidents, development of a national road safety policy, actions to manage road safety and group discussions.
During the seminar opening, Enrico Pinali, Acting Director of the ADB Office in Uzbekistan, noted that in 2021, more than 9,000 people were injured on roads of Uzbekistan, about 2,500 people died.
“These are unacceptable indicators of movement freedom, which we all aspire to in Uzbekistan. While the social and emotional costs associated with road traffic death and injury are incalculable, there are also economic costs,” he said.
ADB experts have calculated that the economic cost of road traffic injuries in Uzbekistan is 3.8% of national GDP.
“These annual costs undermine efforts to create a prosperous, inclusive, resilient and sustainable nation,” Enrico Pinali concluded.
In April this year, Uzbekistan formed republican special commission on road safety. The traffic safety divisions are the working body of special commissions.
The above commission was headed by PM Abdulla Aripov.
The following main tasks are assigned to the special commission:
• reliable protection of the life and health of citizens in the field of road safety, ensuring full compliance of the road infrastructure with safety requirements;
• assessment of the state of efficiency of the organization of traffic in the regions on an ongoing basis, control over the targeted activities of state bodies and local khokimiyats in this area;
• in-depth study of the causes of road traffic accidents, creation of a system for preparing scientifically based proposals for the prevention of accidents by approving a list of dangerous emergency sections of roads;
• determination of measures for the introduction of modern information technologies in the field of road safety, popularization of automated control systems that exclude the human factor and corruption;
• organizing the development and coordination of draft programs to improve the road infrastructure, reduce the number of road accidents in the regions.