An operative event was held by the Shaykhantakhur district department under the Prosecutor General’s Office in cooperation with employees of the State Security Service and the MIA General Directorate.
In it, S.M., who works as the cabinet head of the Tashkent State University of Economics, was detained with material evidence when he received $3,000 in exchange for enrolling citizen Sh. in the 2nd specialty of the university.
In the course of an operative event held by the Andijan city department, citizen Sh.A. was caught with material evidence when he received $3,000 in exchange for enrolling citizen D. in evening education department of Andijan State University through acquaintances working in a high position.
Also, an operative event was held by the Yangarik district department and the Khorezm Regional SSS Department. During it, citizen S.I. was caught with material evidence when he received $2,300 in exchange for enrolling citizen Z. in Urganch State University through his acquaintances.
In connection with the above-mentioned cases, criminal cases have been initiated under Article 168 (fraud) and Article 28, 211 (bribery) of the Criminal Code. Investigative activities are underway.