Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan hold a meeting in Dushanbe

POLITICS 17:45 / 13.05.2022 3556

According to the MFA, the heads of foreign affairs agencies discussed the forthcoming visit of the President of Tajikistan to Uzbekistan, as well as bilateral cooperation in the political, trade-economic, transport-communication and cultural-humanitarian spheres. 

A high assessment was given to the current state of strategic partnership relations, which are based on centuries-old ties between the two fraternal peoples, trusting and friendly relations that have developed between the leaders of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The need for unconditional fulfillment of the instructions of the presidents of the two countries to bring the volume of trade up to $1 billion in the coming years was emphasized.

The parties noted the need to hold the next meeting of the Uzbek-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation as soon as possible.

A determined attitude was expressed to expand cooperation in the cultural-humanitarian areas, organize joint major cultural events on the territory of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, taking into account the celebration this year of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The Tajik side highly appreciated the chairmanship of Uzbekistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, reaffirmed its full support for the initiatives of the Uzbek side, as well as its readiness to take an active part in all events, including the upcoming SCO summit in Samarkand.

During the talks, the parties also exchanged views on topical issues of regional and international politics, considered a schedule of joint events for the coming period.

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