Tashkent city and its region attract most of all foreign capital 

BUSINESS 11:29 / 14.04.2022 4808

According to the State Statistics Committee, if we compare this number with the corresponding period last year, it increased by 1417.

The traditional leading countries in economic cooperation with Uzbekistan also occupy leading positions in this sector. Thus, most of the operating enterprises are with Russian (2,390), Chinese (1,967), Turkish (1,961), Kazakh (1,109) and South Korean (890) capital.

The number of newly created enterprises with foreign capital in the first quarter of the year differs slightly: in particular, Russia (107) is ahead of Turkey (95) and Kazakhstan (46), while China (45) and Tajikistan (20) also occupy 4th and 5th places, respectively.

If we consider the number of enterprises with foreign capital by regions of the republic, here the Tashkent city (8,120), Tashkent (1482), Samarkand (668), Surkhandarya (580), Fergana (547), Andijan (376), Bukhara (362), Namangan (294), Navoi (236), Kashkadarya (231), Jizzakh (215), Syrdarya (187) and Khorezm (178) regions, as well as the Republic of Karakalpakstan (180) are in the lead.

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