“More than 80% of patients with omicron strain do not need hospitalization” – Head of infectious diseases hospital

SOCIETY 15:20 / 31.01.2022 1725

“Currently, the epidemiological situation in the country is as follows: we are seeing an increase in the number of cases, the omicron strain has been confirmed by the laboratory. At the same time, 85% of infected people are diagnosed with the omicron strain, 15% – with the delta strain, and the rest with seasonal flu.

In the beginning of December and January, we received 20-30 sick people, now we have about 600 patients. In this case, the applicants are not in a serious condition, but patients with a mild course of the disease. Out of this number, 150 to 200 patients are hospitalized,” Doniyor Mirazimov said.

He said 15 to 20% of patients are in critical condition. These are mainly the elderly, people with chronic diseases and those who have not been vaccinated.

“According to British and Russian experts, 80% of patients with the omicron strain do not need to be hospitalized. Only 20% of patients need to be hospitalized. Our situation is a little different, and I don’t think there is a need for more patients to be hospitalized. This is due to the fact that our population is much younger,” the specialist said.

Doniyor Mirazimov noted that hospitalization of patients with mild forms of the disease is not recommended because lungs of patients with the omicron strain are not damaged and the virus persists mainly in the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the person has to move, which is not possible in the inpatient unit.

“I also don’t recommend computed tomography. CT is an X-ray method of research. After all, it is radiation and it is not needed in such a situation. The CT scan is performed according to clear instructions, and tremors and pain in the body are not symptoms,” the head of the hospital added.

The specialist also touched on the issue of treatment independently or under the direction of illiterate doctors.

“For some reason, we start treatment with strong antibiotics. It doesn’t matter if it’s omicron, delta or seasonal flu – it’s all viral infections. Antibiotics have no effect on the virus, and there are many side effects,” Doniyor Mirazimov said.

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