“We live in a global world today. In the global world, everything is interconnected. Everyone’s life is becoming more connected to the life of all humanity.
Various socio-economic processes and man-made disasters taking place in remote areas also affect us.
We all witnessed yesterday’s technical power outage that immediately resonated throughout the region.
Upon learning of this accident, I immediately ordered the formation of a Government Commission. The Commission is in constant contact with the heads of the industry and the region, and I personally oversaw the work to eliminate the accident and its negative impact on the economy and the lives of the population.
At the same time, in such a situation, our people also accepted the situation correctly and did not panic. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude, first of all, to our patient people, as well as to the staff of all sectors and agencies, as well as the media and social networks for their efforts in overcoming this situation.
Drawing the right conclusion from this event, we need to see the development of Uzbekistan in more connection with the global problems of our time. We must always be ready to deal with existing threats and problems in this regard.
Peaceful life does not come down from heaven. It is necessary to respect this life, to preserve it, to protect this life,” the author of the “Woman with a microphone” Telegram channel quoted the President as saying.