According to the press service of the Jizzakh regional DIA, a resident of the “Akbulak” mahalla, Pakhtakor district, was detained with material evidence while taking $400 from a buyer and handing over the promised diploma.
It turned out that the seller bought the diploma for $300 from his acquaintance – director of a secondary school in Pakhtakor district, who in turn bought the diploma from a person working as deputy director of a vocational school in the vicinity for $200.
In the course of a pre-investigation check, it was found that a resident of the “Zargarlik” mahalla, Jizzakh city, prepared forged diplomas and references, stamped and signed them. A computer and a printer were confiscated from this person’s place of residence.
Preliminary investigation is underway on the collected documents. Now the wrongdoers will be held accountable before the law.