It is planned to improve the conditions for the provision of public services and expand the access of the population to them in accordance with a relevant government resolution.
From December 1, the amount of state duty payments for the issuance of duplicates of the following documents will decrease:
• A state order for the ownership of housing – from 1 BCA to 10% of the BCA;
• Licenses for the right to engage in activities related to the circulation of psychotropic substances and precursors – from 2.5 BCA to 10% of the BCA;
• A qualification certificate on the level of proficiency in a foreign language – from 0.5 BCA to 10% of the BCA.
In addition, state fees for issuing a license for the right to engage in legal services will decrease from 0.25 BCA to 10% of the BCA.
At the end of July, a presidential decree was adopted, according to which from November 1, when providing state services to persons with disabilities of I and II groups, as well as those in need of social protection, state duties are levied at a 50% discount. If the provision of public services is delayed by more than three working days, 50% of the state duties and fees paid for using the services will be returned to them within one working day.
In addition, from January 1 of next year, state fees for issuing a biometric passport to citizens of Uzbekistan for traveling abroad, as well as for state registration of law firms, obtaining prior consent for transactions to purchase shares, will decrease.