During the study, it was revealed that a number of ministries and departments violated the requirements of the decree, they did not ensure the implementation of some measures, the Ministry of Justice reported. In particular, in 3,256 cases, unnecessary documents were requested from citizens.
Based on the results of the study, for violating the requirements of the presidential decree and the reclamation of unnecessary documents from citizens in accordance with article 2155 of the Administrative Responsibility Code, top executives of the following ministries and departments were brought to administrative responsibility:
- Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations;
- Ministry of Innovative Development;
- Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education;
- State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection;
- Agency for the Development of Public-Private Partnerships under the Finance Ministry;
- Agency for Development of Horticulture and Greenhouse Economy under the Agriculture Ministry;
- Agency for regulation of the alcohol and tobacco market and the development of winemaking;
- State Inspection for Supervision over the Education Quality;
- Inspection for quality control of road construction works under the Transport Ministry.
Three of the 29 are still under study. Based on the results of the study of the remaining 24 ministries and departments, as well as institutions in their system, the connection to the interdepartmental integration platform of the Electronic Government system was ensured. This, in turn, will give state bodies the opportunity to independently request from the authorized bodies the documents necessary for providing public services in the process of their provision, without bothering citizens.
The ministries and departments received 21 submissions on the revealed violations of the law, elimination of their causes and circumstances. Reportedly, disciplinary measures were taken against 38 officials of state bodies and organizations.