According to the document, for a worthy contribution to the development of the country’s education system in accordance with international standards, the successful implementation of reforms in the field, the widespread introduction of advanced foreign experience in the educational process, innovative pedagogical and information-communication technologies, initiative and dedication in teaching young people the basics of science and modern professions, as well as for active participation in public life, a group of teachers and mentors have been awarded the following honorary titles, orders and medals:
• honorary title “O’zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq O’qituvchisi”
• honorary title “O’zbekiston Respublikasida Xizmat Ko’rsatgan Xalq Ta’limi Xodimi”
• honorary title “O’zbekiston Respublikasida Xizmat Ko’rsatgan Yoshlar Murabbiysi”
• honorary title “O’zbekiston Respublikasida Xizmat Ko’rsatgan Sport Ustozi”
• order “Fidokorona Xizmatlari Uchun”
• order “Mehnat Shuhrati”
• order “Sog’lom Avlod Uchun” of degree I
• order “Sog’lom Avlod Uchun” of degree II
• order “Do’stlik”
• medal “Sodiq Xizmatlari Uchun”
• medal “Sog’lom Turmush”
• medal “Kelajak Bunyodkori”
• medal “Shuhrat”