According to the decree, student dormitories will be built on the basis of public-private partnership in the following forms:
– financing projects from the entrepreneur’s own funds on agreed terms;
– mixed financing of projects at the expense of the budget of the entrepreneur and the state (for the construction of housing for at least 200 places);
– financing of projects entirely at the expense of the entrepreneur’s own funds (subject to the construction of a residential complex for at least 400 places).
Up to 0.5 hectares of land will be allocated to the university from nearby lands by the regional authorities for the construction of residential buildings. A housing system for at least 50 people will be introduced on a land plot or in a building owned by an entrepreneur.
At the same time, the payment is agreed with the university, and for each student living there, the entrepreneur is provided with a subsidy in the amount of 10 BCAs in the city of Tashkent and 5 BCAs in other regions for one academic year.
For entrepreneurs who open canteens of universities, minimum rental rates will be applied for the use of state-owned real estate.
In doing so, entrepreneurs are committed to preparing and selling quality food and meals for students and selling them at low prices.
On September 1, 2021, the Institute “Group Trainer” for working with students was abolished, and instead of it, for students of 1-3 courses, the practice of attaching tutors was introduced to assist in eliminating existing problems.
According to this decree, a total of 228 student dormitories (for 400 places) will be built throughout the republic. Thus, the construction of 47 dormitories is planned in the regions in 2022, 67 – in 2023, 62 – in 2024, 52 – in 2025.