A draft presidential decree on strengthening the fight against corruption has been announced.
According to the project, from October 1, 2021, internal anti-corruption control structures will be established in all state bodies and organizations, in particular within the existing state units in khokimiyats.
These structures will be responsible for:
- early detection and prevention of corruption;
- elimination of the causes and conditions of corruption;
- avoid conflicts of interest;
- forming an uncompromising attitude towards corruption.
The heads of the structures will be recruited by government agencies and organizations on the basis of an open competition conducted jointly with the Anti-Corruption Agency. Their dismissal will be agreed with the agency.
The standard regulations on the activities of internal anti-corruption control structures shall be approved within 2 months.
According to the draft presidential decree, administrative liability will be imposed on officials who obstruct the legal activities of the Anti-Corruption Agency and (or) do not comply with legal requirements.
The project also includes the following proposals:
- launching a round-the-clock call center at the agency, which will allow citizens to quickly report corruption;
- identifying clearly the procedure and terms of informing the public by reviewing corruption reports by the agency;
- establishment of a group of experts under the agency, consisting of scientists, representatives of scientific and academic circles;
- establishment of the online journal “Uzbekistan Anti-Corruption Digest”, monthly publication in Uzbek, Russian and English.
In addition, the project provides for:
- critical analysis of the costs associated with business trips of employees of government agencies and organizations sent to the territories of the Republic, the harmonization of established standards with actual costs;
- updating the procedure for anti-corruption examination of legislation, introduction of scientific and independent expertise;
- posting information on subsidies and other benefits on the “open budget” portal;
- establishment of a division for the implementation of control measurements at construction sites within the Department of State Financial Control;
- introducing the practice of reporting to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on the state of financial performance and use of state property in state-owned enterprises by the State Assets Management Agency.
The following new systems will appear:
- “SHAFFOF YO’L” online information platform containing information on the road sector;
- electronic information system for the formation, processing and verification of databases on income and property declarations;
- rating system for evaluating the effectiveness of anti-corruption work in government agencies and organizations, including local government;
- electronic system for assessing corruption risks in the activities of government agencies.
The projects under discussion include anti-corruption advocacy, anti-corruption education for young people, training of civil servants in accordance with the new requirements, and cooperation in the international arena.