The law was adopted by the Legislative Chamber on May 24, 2021, and approved by the Senate on May 29, 2021.
According to the amendments, a person registered at the place of permanent residence in Uzbekistan before January 1, 2005 and who had not previously been a citizen of a foreign state is recognized as an Uzbek citizen in case he or she expresses such wish.
A person permanently residing in the country for at least fifteen years before the date of application for the citizenship and who was not a citizen of a foreign state during this period is recognized as an Uzbek citizen.
A child whose parent (single parent) is recognized as a citizen of Uzbekistan, who has not accepted the citizenship of a foreign state and lives in Uzbekistan, may become a citizen of Uzbekistan.
In case of absence of documents confirming the facts provided for in the second part of article 5 of this Law and in the first and second parts of this article, the applicant may establish these facts in court.
The following documents shall be issued to an individual who has acquired citizenship of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by this Law:
- The internal affairs body - an Uzbek citizen identification card or other document confirming the citizenship;
- consular office - biometric passport of a citizen to travel abroad or other document confirming citizenship.
A person permanently residing in a republic whose citizenship has been terminated shall be issued a residence permit by the internal affairs authority.