“Uzbekistan will use WHO-recognized vaccines” – Nurmat Otabekov

POLITICS 20:38 / 08.03.2021 1179

This year, Uzbekistan plans to conduct a mass vaccination campaign against coronavirus infection. Can vaccines stop the pandemic? Why is it needed? Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe? Nurmat Otabekov, Deputy Head of the Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health, answered such questions as part of the talks with the Health Ministry press service.

 - Scientists say that in order to break the chain of epidemic processes of disease transmission, at least 60-70% of the population must have immunity. How fast this happens depends on many factors: how quickly vaccines are proven to be effective, their approval by the WHO, production and delivery, and many more.

 - Why is vaccination against COVID-19 necessary?

 - Coronavirus vaccination will help curb the pandemic. Vaccines strengthen your immune system and help fight viruses that can infect you. We protect not only ourselves but also those around us through vaccination.

 The virus that causes COVID-19 is very easily transmitted. In our opinion, we cannot effectively fight this disease without forming immunity in 60-70% of the population.

 Although wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, using antiseptics and refraining from going to public places are considered effective measures to reduce the danger of contracting the virus or infecting others, these measures are not enough to curb the pandemic.

 - Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?

 - Uzbekistan will use vaccines that are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for their effectiveness, safety and recommended for vaccination against coronavirus in emergencies.

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