Pharmaceutical company fined for counterfeiting Trimol packaging in Namangan

BUSINESS 11:07 / 09.01.2021 2253

An Indian company has filed an application with the Intellectual Property Agency (IPA). The document contained information that the local company MERRYMED FARM LLC was misleading buyers by making the outer packaging of Turmol drugs similar to the original Trimol products, Sputnik writes with reference to the agency.

The agency considered the case and applied to the administrative court. The local pharmaceutical company has been fined (3 times the BCA amount – 669 thousand soums).

In addition, the department clarified that the manufacturer Trimol may also sue for compensation for material damage, which may entail greater financial liability.

“In fact, a fine of 3 BCAs is not a solution to prevent and suppress such activities. It is necessary to raise the legal awareness of the population and strengthen public control over entrepreneurs who illegally use someone else’s trademark,” the press service of the state body explained.

It is noted that the Intellectual Property Agency does not have the authority to check the activities of economic entities, therefore, entrepreneurs whose rights have been violated must themselves seek help from the IPA to prevent illegal actions.

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