Gov’t plans to relocate higher education institutions to outskirts of major cities

SOCIETY 16:54 / 31.12.2020 1193

It is noted that the system of “smart education” will be introduced on the basis of a relevant government resolution. The main focus will be on the introduction of educational online platforms and courses, advanced visualization and remote access technologies filled with virtual reality.

In order to form a campus, it is planned to relocate existing higher education institutions to the outskirts of major cities and take measures to establish new universities there.

It is also planned to reconstruct existing kindergartens and create new preschool education institutions (PEI) in the future, taking into account the growth rate of the population.

Besides, it is intended to introduce additional paid services by state PEIs (childcare and education of children on weekends and after working hours, organization of extracurricular sports and health clubs, art, aesthetics, science clubs).

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