Construction of prayer rooms and other relevant facilities to become mandatory in tourist infrastructure

SOCIETY 16:58 / 29.12.2020 1149

A draft presidential decree on measures for further development of pilgrimage tourism and the creation of favorable conditions for pilgrims in Uzbekistan has been published for public discussion. The project was initiated by the State Committee for Tourism Development.

These measures include:

  • The mandatory creation of conditions for the performance of religious rituals (places for prayers and ablutions) in tourist infrastructure located along the transport corridor “Uzbekistan Tourism Highway”;
  • Within the pilgrimage tourism program “Umra+Uzbekistan”, the unpaid weight of the cargo for passengers at departure from Uzbekistan will be increased by 10 kilograms.

The Tourism Committee, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations and the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction may approve the following proposals:

  • Establishment of master’s degree programs in Pilgrimage Tourism, Transport Logistics, Creative Industry in the International Tourism University Ipak Yuli from the second semester (spring semester) of the academic year 2020-2021, and from the 2021-2022 academic year – in Tashkent State Economic University, Bukhara and Termez State Universities;
  • Development of practice curricula on the subject of Pilgrimage Tourism for students of 3-4 levels of higher education institutions that train specialists in foreign languages from the 2021-2022 academic year;

Organization of retraining courses on Pilgrimage Tourism at higher educational institutions for philology graduates in the language of countries prospective for pilgrimage tourism.

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