This is envisaged in the presidential decree “On additional measures to attract the private sector in the areas regulated by the state”.
At the same time, employees of business entities providing services as an agent will need to have a certificate issued by accredited training centers, which specifically defines the types of services that can be provided.
The certificates will be issued for a period of 3 years in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.
The provision of services by business entities as an agent will be carried out within the framework of a single platform of the State Services Agency.
The Agency will form and maintain a single electronic register of business entities providing services as an agent.
It will also create an opportunity for citizens to choose suitable agents for themselves through the single e-register. Citizens will pay a separate fee for the agent’s services, while business entities will independently set prices for services, and the incoming funds will remain at their disposal in full.
The list of public services prohibited for the provision by business entities as an agent will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.