Government to allocate 150 billion soums to compensate for demolitions and seizure of land plots

SOCIETY 17:19 / 01.12.2020 866

For this purpose, a relevant fund was established under the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the presidential decree “On measures to further improve the system of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of business entities”.

According to the people’s representative, the compensation of 150 billion soums will not cover all costs.

On November 21, 2019, at a session of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, the deputies considered the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the execution of the State budget and the budgets of state trust funds for nine months of 2019.

It was reported back then that debt of 1.1 trillion soums was formed as a result of demolishing 4,378 objects throughout the country. In particular:

  • Tashkent – 600 billion soums
  • Tashkent region – 210 billion soums;
  • Kashkadarya region – 68 billion soums;
  • Surkhandarya region – 56 billion soums;
  • Fergana region – 45 billion soums;
  • Jizzakh region – 43 billion soums;
  • Other regions – 68 billion soums.

At that time, 174 billion soums were planned to be allocated from the state budget and 183 billion soums – from local budgets. In addition, 733 billion soums were to be covered by the allocation of vacant objects and land plots.

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