The document sets targets for the implementation of the strategy to develop master plans of all cities and 25 percent of urban settlements by 2025, as well as the harmonization of national urban planning norms and regulations with international norms and standards at a level of at least 50 percent, taking into account geological, natural, climatic, seismological, and other features.
From January 1, 2021, in order to ensure public control over the construction of settlements, general plans should now be approved taking into account the results of public discussion. The public discussion of master plans of settlements is carried out in the following order:
- Phase I is to familiarize citizens with the timing, place and procedure for public discussion;
- Phase II – conducting public discussion (discussions, social surveys, collection of opinions of residents, land users and owners of real property, etc.) on the draft master plan of the settlement;
- Phase III – analysis of public opinion on the basis of fixed results of public debate;
- Phase IV – informing the public about the results of the debate in the mass media, including the Internet;
In addition, it may soon be possible to carry out a public assessment of master plans in order to ensure that the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals are in line with the interests of society and the state.
It is planned to introduce a mechanism for developing an alternative master plan for a settlement or for introducing changes (adjustments) into the existing one at the initiative of subjects of public control who do not agree with the proposed master plan for a settlement. The organization of public discussion of draft master plans for settlements is assigned to local government bodies.