A European credit transfer system is being introduced at the Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) to assess student performance in each module, Norma reports.
Within its framework, progress during the academic semester is assessed on a 100-point system.
Approximate criteria have been approved, from which it is recommended to proceed when assessing the performance of a student. At the same time, the types and forms of knowledge control in each subject have also changed.
Firstly, the current control system is excluded – only intermediate (at least 1 time per semester) and final (at the end of the semester) controls are carried out. In the cases established by the training programs, only final control can be carried out.
Secondly, interim control may be carried out orally and the process will be recorded by video recording. The assessment is given by the teacher who conducted the classes or a commission of three members of the department. Marks for intermediate control are given in an electronic form (in the electronic educational platform) at least two weeks before the start of the final control.
Thirdly, the final control is now carried out in the following order:
• for modules of specialized academic disciplines – in specially equipped university classrooms on a computer through an electronic educational platform. The student enters his full name, course, group and other relevant information on the computer, after which questions are displayed on the monitor – they are generated automatically from those available in a single database;
• for non-specialized disciplines – in the form determined by the Educational and Methodological Council of TSUL.
Along with logical questions and situational tasks, the final control can be carried out in the form of testing. The content of the questions by modules is determined by the departments. The works are checked in encrypted form by teachers, the list of which is entered into the platform. Having studied the work, the teacher immediately enters the assessment into the platform along with his reasoned review.
Students now learn about the assessments and feedbacks received by teachers through the electronic educational platform. Appeals are filed through it.