The document was adopted within the implementation of the Presidential Decree “On measures for efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture”, dated June 17, 2019.
Those engaged in agriculture will apply to a relevant organization responsible for assessing the value of the estate and conclude a contract with them to recover the costs. The government will grant reimbursement for multi-year planting, irrigation networks and facilities, agricultural engineering, landscaping and other expenses.
A copy of the report on assessment will be sent to the district (city) khokimiyat, where the documents will be examined within two days. If there are complaints based on the results of the assessment, the khokimiyat will conduct a three-day expert examination on the authenticity of the documents.
The regulations provide for the following types of reimbursement of expenses:
• Commercial bank loans
• Ownership of another facility
• Other types of compensation
The cost of eliminating or optimizing farms and other entities that grow agricultural products on the allocated land will be reimbursed by the winner of the tender conducted on the long-term lease of the land, within three days of the announcement of trade results.
The regulation entered into force on August 25, 2020.