The draft presidential resolution on measures for the unification of final school exams and admission exams to higher education institutions by introducing a single examination has been published for discussion.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, these two exams will be unified and a single examination will be introduced as a pilot test. From the 2022-2023 academic year, this practice will be applied to graduates of all secondary public schools and academic lyceums.
The followings have been determined:
• this year’s graduates of secondary public schools will take tests in three subjects – native language (Uzbek, Russian or Karakalpak), mathematics and history of Uzbekistan (compulsory subjects) as a final state attestation exam;
• the results of tests in compulsory subjects are reflected on the public education document (certificate, diploma) of graduates of these institutions;
• graduates of public education institutions, who wish to enter higher education institutions, take tests in subjects relevant to the areas of undergraduate education;
• starting 2022, graduates of educational institutions in previous years will be required to take tests in subjects relevant to the areas of undergraduate education;
• tests are carried out by the State Testing Center (STC) under the Cabinet of Ministers;
• test results (number of correct answers on the subject) will be published on the STC official website within a day;
• the results of the tests are taken into account in accordance with the evaluation criteria in the competition for admission to higher education institutions;
• graduates of public education institutions and graduates of previous years (applicants), who have expressed a desire to enter higher education institutions, are given the right to participate in competitions in areas of education with the same language of instruction and the same set of disciplines;
• the applicant is issued an electronic certificate, the result of which is valid for 3 years. The applicant has the right to retake the test on this subject in the prescribed manner before the expiration of the electronic certificate;
• the test results of entrants on compulsory subjects are taken into account in the areas of education that require special skills, without admission tests, through professional (creative) exams;
• applicants, who have a national certificate issued by the State Testing Center for the level of knowledge of the subject, as well as an international certificate in a foreign language, have the right to obtain the maximum score in this subject without exams.