“We have been fighting the coronavirus for four months, but we neither have a clear guide, nor a proper medicine. We can clearly say that the disease can be prevented only by wearing masks. There is no other remedy for now.
Another reason why the disease is on the rise is that people, in most cases, don’t realize that they are sick. Most of our people don’t go to the doctor until the disease is severe. For example, not being able to smell or taste is not a common flu symptom. If you feel unwell, call your doctor.
It takes a long time for world medicine to develop a vaccine. It can only be applied if the results of the experiment are clear enough that they do not require proof. The most basic solution is our lifestyle. We can overcome the disease if we protect ourselves by living with the idea that the disease can infect us as well in our lifestyle.
We can’t punish everyone, so let’s be considerate of each other. If we can adhere to quarantine restrictions, we can defeat the coronavirus,” Otabekov said.
For information, in Uzbekistan, asymptomatic patients are being treated at home since July 5. But so far there are no clear instructions on what treatment to take at home, or what medicine to use.