Minimum cost for permanent possession and use of land parcel in Tashkent to be approved

POLITICS 12:22 / 14.02.2020 1034

A relevant draft document has been announced for public discussion.

The document approves the minimum cost for permanent possession and use of land in Tashkent by districts and zones. 

The State Tax Administration of Tashkent provides an access to the YERELEKTRON automated information system within one business day from the date of approval of the minimum cost for permanent possession and use of land in the capital city.

The Tashkent city Department of Land Resources and State Cadaster sets the starting price of a land plot based on the approved minimum cost for permanent use of land within five working days from the date of agreement or positive conclusion given on the land plots.

The State Tax Administration of Tashkent, the Department of Land Resources and the State Cadaster of Tashkent, the Main Department of Finance ensure the provision of vacant land plots for entrepreneurial and urban planning activities in Tashkent based on the Regulation requirements on the order of granting of land plots through electronic online auction, approved by the decree No. 1023 of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 20, 2019.

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