The Ministry of Justice is considering to introduce norms into the legislation of the republic that specify the mechanisms for exercising the individual’s right to an image, the Telegram channel “News in the justice system” reported.
The publication notes: according to Article 99 of the Civil Code, an individual’s right to an image is inalienable and inviolable. But the restrictions have not yet been clearly defined. In particular, the law does not stipulate whether a citizen’s permission is required in order to photograph him/her. Also, the question of the use of photographs taken at public events or in public places remains unidentified.
“At present, when there are simple and quick ways to disseminate information, this is causing some conflict situations and misunderstandings in society, including on the Internet,” the Justice Ministry said.
Employees of the ministry studied the experience of other countries in this field. So, for example, in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, China, the USA, Israel, Italy, Russia and Sweden, a person’s permission is not required for a photo and video shooting. But in Brazil, Spain and Switzerland - one needs to obtain a permission.
In different countries, the distribution of pictures or videos is also regulated. So, in Russia, Denmark, France, permission to use photos and videos taken at public events (concerts, festivals, etc.), as well as in public places (educational institutions, a zoo, parks, etc.) is not required.
In the Czech Republic, images can be safely used for scientific, pedagogical or cultural purposes, and in Brazil and Canada - to protect or realize the rights of other individuals, as well as for state or public interests.
The Ministry of Justice asked citizens to share their suggestions on this issue. They can be sent via the Telegram bot @insonhuquqlaribot or to the short number 1008.