An interdepartmental hardware-software complex “Single National Labor System” is being introduced in Uzbekistan, follows from the draft presidential resolution.
The new complex will allow keeping records of the labor activity of individuals, as well as existing and created jobs. Its use will be free of charge for all legal entities and individuals.
“Currently, personnel management issues in organizations is carried out mainly in paper form, which complicates the reliable accounting of the work experience of an employee, especially when applying for the age pension. It creates conditions for distorting information about employment, increases administrative costs,” the message reads.
The document also says that it is proposed to introduce mandatory registration of new labor contracts, changes to existing ones and their termination in the system.
An electronic workbook will be automatically generated in the system based on data contained in the registered contracts.
It should be noted that according to the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of Uzbekistan Sherzod Kudbiyev, out of the 13.5 million economically active population, only 40% work officially, and the remaining 60%, or 8.1 million people, work in the shadow sector.
The government of the Republic of Uzbekistan intends to implement a whole program of measures designed to solve the problem of shadow employment.