On August 12-18, 2019, 765.3 billion soums worth deals were made at the JSC Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UZEX). The total volume of transactions with participation of small business and private entrepreneurship increased by 8% and amounted to 422.9 billion soums.
The volume of exchange trades decreased by 3.8% compared to the previous week and amounted to 655.4 billion soums. Total sales through currency trading platform was $2.2 million. In the structure of exports, different brands of polyethylene occupy 90% share, and cotton fiber – 10%.
In addition, the volume of weekly exhibition and fair trading amounted to 16.1 billion soums, transactions made by small business entities – 4.6 billion soums or 28.7% of the total number of transactions.
During the period under review, 632 car number plates were sold through online auction. The total amount of income earned through the sales was 2.5 billion soums. Following the result of trades, first category registration plates brought 16.8% of the total income, while second (52.5%) and third (30.7%) category number platess made up the rest.